50 research outputs found

    Real-time PCR applications in clinical research and diagnostics

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    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has enabled enormous progress in the field of molecular biology in the last twenty-five years. It became popular due to its high sensitivity and specificity and was introduced to numerous scientific fields. Today many different variants of PCR exist, with real-time PCR being the most common. This method is being successfully used at our institution for a variety of different applications, among which gene expression analyzes and development of protocols for clinical diagnostics currently dominate. But the extreme flexibility and customizability of real-time PCR, coupled with our team鈥檚 expertise, ensures efficient application of this technique to various new research projects

    Defect detection capability of pulsed transient thermography

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    Abstract In this work, investigations have been conducted on a novel technique for enhancing thermographic data, which is known as thermographic signal reconstruction, to assess its defect detection limitation on CFRP composite. For defect greater than 4mm diameter, results have indicated a 60% improvement in detectability

    Intoxicaci贸n por cianuro posterior a infusi贸n prolongada de Nitroprusiato de sodio: a prop贸sito de un caso

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    El nitroprusiato de sodio fue aprobado desde 1974 como medicamento para las crisis hipertensivas. Desde entonces existe controversia sobre el potencial t贸xico del mismo. La toxicidad por cianuro es una complicaci贸n poco com煤n del nitroprusiato de sodio, que puede ser dif铆cil de diagnosticar en pacientes cr铆ticamente enfermos. Dentro de los factores de riesgo est谩 la utilizaci贸n de infusiones prolongadas y dosis altas, por lo que se sugiere que la dosis no exceda 2 渭g/kg/min. A continuaci贸n, se reporta el caso de un paciente de 49 a帽os que ingresa a un servicio de urgencias despu茅s de un s铆ndrome cerebrovascular y una emergencia hipertensiva que requiri贸 infusi贸n de nitroprusiato de sodio, seguida de signos y s铆ntomas, los cuales sugirieron toxicidad. Entre dichos s铆ntomas predominaban los cambios neurol贸gicos, por lo cual fue manejado con hiposulfito de sodio y hubo una buena respuesta. El objetivo de este reporte de caso es sensibilizar al personal de salud sobre la necesidad de un uso adecuado del nitroprusiato y sobre la importancia de sospechar toxicidad en paciente con factores de riesgo

    Aesthetic Performance of Wayang Wong Millennial

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    This article was completed in the context of the publication of our research on the Bali Innovative Wayang Wong. The purpose of writing this article is to analyse the aesthetic elements of Millennial Wayang Wong Performing Arts as a Balinese innovative Wayang Wong. In general, the aesthetic structure of the traditional Balinese Wayang Wong performance is performed by old and senior dancers. However, the aesthetic of the Wayang Wong Millennial structure was staged by involving junior dancers who were still children. This forms the question: What is the form of the Wayang Wong Millennial performing arts? This research was completed using qualitative methods. All data was collected with the aid of a photo camera and interview guidelines. Primary research was data obtained through observation and interviews with informants. While library research is used to optimise data acquisition. All data was analysed using aesthetic theory and symbol theory. The results showed that Wayang Wong Millennial performing arts are Balinese innovative Wayang Wong performing arts. The form of the Wayang Wong Millennial performance is classified as a colossal Balinese Wayang Wong performance art by involving children as Wayang Wong dancers. If we look at dance property, fashion make-up, choreography, Wayang stories, lighting and show duration, it can be seen that the Wayang Wong Millennial performance has its own aesthetic structure. Keywords: Aesthetics, Performing Arts, Wayang Wong, Millennial

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